
 I finally took Theo to the vet. They said he's healthy. They said he might just be the runt of the family and its just taking him a little more time to grow. I'm relieved at least. I'm preparing for another of the Shepherd's Livestreams tomorrow and then maybe I'll do some shopping. I want to get some more stuff to decorate my home. :) And I'm thinking about buying one of the totes on the Communion's Redbubble to help support them. Praise be Yvithel!
 I can't stop thinking about how I saw Josh out my window a few nights ago. I was up too late probably, but now I keep glancing out to double check. Freaky.
 I thought I just saw Josh out the window. Scared the shit out of me.

Review of Archangel Yvithel: The Angel God Forgot

 I guess this is a review? More just my thoughts on the book by the Shepherd since I finally got the chance to read it.| I like that the book is easy to read. You can really feel connected with the Shepherd and what they're trying to teach. They're incredible at making the book really engaging and interesting. I really went in not sure what I was going to think, but I enjoyed their telling about the Archangel Yvithel. I also learned a little more about the Church and Shepherd Ambrose as well. If you haven't read it, you should do so.
 I have been SO busy! It's been such a long time since I posted here. Things are going great! The job is perfect for me and I'm making enough money to really support myself.  I'm thinking about taking Theo to a vet, though. He's eating just fine and everything, but he's not really growing much. Maybe he was a runt?
 I found the book I mentioned last time that Shepherd Ambrose wrote: Archangel Yvithel: The Angel God Forgot It even has their bio on it! So cool I've always wanted to write my own book, too. I wonder what I would write about. Probably more fiction, though. Definitely going to guy this book when I get my first paycheck from my new job :) First day was awesome! I'm picking up everything really fast and my trainer and co-workers are so great. I showed them pictures of Theo and they think he's super cute  (he is)
 OH MY GOD I GOT A JOB!!!!! I had applied to work as a cashier at this really cute accessories store. I spoke with one of the managers over the phone today, and they liked me so much that they want to make me a manager instead!!! They're paying like $25 an hour!!!! That is way better than my crappy $11.50 an hour job I just got out of. I have been freaking out and telling my friends all day. I mentioned I'd joined an online Communion to them and they seemed really skeptical, but one of them told me they'd check it out!  THANK YOU GOD, THANK YOU YVITHEL I start on Thursday! I have to finish all the hiring paperwork and wait for my background check to come in but I know I will pass, so... ugh! It's been such a HUGE relief knowing I'll have income again. I might even buy myself something special to celebrate!